Tag: trump

I Pulled Into Nazareth…

I Pulled Into Nazareth…

Certainly we can debate among ourselves about the relative merit or efficacy of our nation in the age of Trump, although at this point it isn’t much of a debate as it is a call to arms on social media, or in the cable news programs, at the Thanksgiving dinner table, or in the workplace, …

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Infrastructure Week Redux, Samson’s Fanfare

Infrastructure Week Redux, Samson’s Fanfare

If I had my way, I would tear this whole building down. It’s infrastructure week in Trump’s Dark America. Again. The first attempt was such a failure, I gather they wanted to try again. So far, infrastructure week has gone about as well as you could have predicted, meaning that, like everything the Trump administration …

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Young Americans

Young Americans

I want the Young American all night. She wants the Young American, all the way from Washington. I used to be young, so I would think the young might want to hear from someone who has been there. Laugh if you must, but I met a few young Americans today, and I have to admit …

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Chicken Little or Constitutional Crisis

Chicken Little or Constitutional Crisis

It’s been almost a year since I’ve penned anything on the shit-show that is our current political environment. I have avoided long-ish posts on this subject for lots of reasons. One was that it was extremely tiresome and the cause of much distress, and I thought that continued ranting would only be redundant and exacerbate …

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It Can Happen Here

It Can Happen Here

Ah, a category I didn’t think I would ever want on the blog. And yet circumstances warrant it. One issue is that I have to get up to speed quickly. Becoming a political writer isn’t something I’m immediately qualified for. I had left that to people, I thought, who were more plugged into it than …

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